Thursday, May 22, 2008

God's not Grandma

i figured i should blog about this since it's become a interesting thought that i've shared with more than a few friends recently. and it at least warrants some explanation upon first glance.

the thought occurred to me as we've been engaging in these spiritual disciplines at church. some of them are tough and challenging and require a little planning and thought. but the overall emphasis is on the relationship that we are pursuing. we are pursuing: God.

and so, randomly, i thought about my relationship with grandma. and then i asked friends about their relationships with grandma. and after a general consensus, i've concluded that most people love their grandma. i for one, LOVE my grandma. she is a wonderful woman of God and has been an example to her family of dedication and service. she's awesome. and she's my grandma. so i love her no matter what.

and i thought...ya know i love my grandma, but if i was honest, i'd have to admit that i really don't pursue my relationship with grandma very earnestly. i think about all the excuses for why i don't call to talk to her everyday: i'm really busy, she might be busy, if i call she may want to talk for a long time, if i call she may have something for me to do, i don't really have anything going on right now that she really needs to know about or that requires her help, and even if i don't call she'll still love me because she's my grandma...and nothing could change that.

then it occurred to me. what if i used those excuse for why i don't always "call" to talk to God? i'm busy. He's busy. He'll want to talk for a long time. He'll have something for me to do. i don't have much going on that He really has much to do with. and even if i don't spend time with Him, He'll always love me...because He's God...and that's what He does.

and the realization hits me: that relationship's going nowhere.

i want to passionately pursue my God. and i want to know Him. i want to be like Him. i want to continually spend time in His presence, constantly aware of my absolute dependence upon Him. i want to worship Him. i want to walk with Him...and talk with Him.

so i discipline myself.

not for man's praise or my daily-spiritual-checklist-of-to-do's...but for the sake of my relationship with the Almighty Creator.

and ya know what? He wants to spend time with me.

that's incredible.

so i better go call my grandma and tell her i love her. and go spend time with my Father in heaven.

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