Tuesday, July 3, 2007

reactionary revolutionary

when i don't like something i react.

everyone does. i think it has something to do with newton's third law. "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." although this is stated as a law governing the physical universe, i think it's safe to say it's also evident in the pages of history. i suppose it's possible for someone to scientifically prove or disprove this as a theory, but i have no idea how you would measure it accurately. too many variables. but suffice it to say, although i don't claim expertise in world or even any specific cultural history, it's easy to see how one generation, with all their philosophical worldviews and practices, is a reactionary reflection of the struggles of the last generation. (at least you can be comforted with solomon's reminder: there is nothing new under the sun)

in fact, they plan to react. we've heard it in the simple yet loaded promise, "i'm not going to be like my parents" or "i won't make the same mistakes they made."

perhaps it is most clearly evident in our present post-modern, emergent culture that is daring to ask revolutionary questions. a culture that is deep-rooted in revolution. that began with revolution. that has evolved through revolution. that honors the revolutionary. that portrays him as a heroic savior of our most cherished values in the face of those who would distort or suppress them. and so it is with great honor that we align , or at the very least, mentally acknowledge our support of a revolution.


it seems to me that everyone is a hero in their own mind. they may not lead the charge, but they lend their vote, financial support, time and encouragement to those whom they believe are fighting the cause and defending their values. everyone is reacting to something. there is always a struggle (and i suspect there always will be until the King of Kings has had enough and takes His rightful throne).

so we look to the future where our reaction to present struggles will finally burst forth in revolutionary success and see our dreams fulfilled. i guess you could call it hope.

or maybe it's just the greener grass we see on the other side of the fence.

but maybe that's the struggle wired into our system by a Divine Creator eager to show us how wonderful His master plan really is. but until we see the tapestry from the other side, it will always seem to us an utter disaster.

somehow, through the ebb and flow of time, through the rise and fall of empires, through the reactions of revolutionaries, through the contradictions of thoughts and philosophies...God is there. and He is orchestrating a delicate and beautiful balance that will one day be unveiled as the greatest masterpiece ever created (from nothing).

it's His story. and we are all a part. just a part...nothing new under the sun...just a part of His narrative.

so don't stop reacting. don't stop thinking. don't stop dreaming. it will all come together. on that glorious day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.