Thursday, July 26, 2007

fight the system!

awhile ago i wrote about a reactionary revolutionary. everyone reacts in the face of something they dislike or see as morally wrong or unhealthy. so i'm gonna react.

this whole american method of finding success and significance has got to stop.

now, many of you just read that statement and uttered an inaudible grunt of agreement. but don't be too eager to snub your nose at our culture thinking this is just an evil found in those seeking worldly treasures and fame. most of us would be quick to quote off, "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." as though christians aren't effected by a worldly struggle for fame, riches, self-worth and significance. but i say that christians are definitely caught up in our culture's method for finding these things.

i've seen it.

and you know where i found it? i didn't have to pull out a file in a research library. i didn't have to read any books. i didn't listen to any radio preachers. i didn't even have to look past the end of my nose.

it's engrained in me. like a cancer.

i start with myself first, because i know it's true in me. i'm not really one who values riches necessarily (i went to school to study the Bible...if i had wanted to get rich that was a really stupid move). and i'd like to think that i find my significance in Christ. but recently i've observed a pattern of getting caught in this web of "success".

here it is: why do i find myself striving in this unofficial and unspoken competition with everyone around me to see who can handle the biggest schedule and still stay on top and make it look good?

read that again for me.

is that you too? maybe this is a better way of saying it: why are we so busy?

what is it about our culture that can't give it a rest? why do we fill up our schedules to the maximum capacity and brag or complain about them? or why do our schedules run and dictate our lives? why is it wrong to say "no"? why do we have something going on everyday/everynight? have we swung too far across the pendulum to avoid laziness? are we searching for something? do we find our significance in business? do we find our significance in what we can accomplish in a day? why are high-school sports year-round? why are church doors closed on sunday nights and wednesday nights now? why is it so hard to find a night for 4 couples to get together in a week of 7 days to study the Bible and find encouragement? why are we so concerned about what people will think about how we spend our time? why do we honor those who are the most visible in the community or church if they are neglecting their families? why are we surprised by the demise of the family when we expect so much out of their schedules?

i don't get this. and i hate it. but it's our sin-cursed culture. and it's rooted in our prideful hearts.

i wanna fight this system. and i guess this is just a start or a part of the conversation. all i know, is that it will take a reactionary revolution. God save us.

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