Saturday, June 23, 2007

a long walk

so we had a lazy day today.

that's a great way to start off a post huh? bet your just itchin' to read on and see what lurks around the corner of that suspenseful sentence. but nope. that's it. it was wonderful! i'd consider myself to be a somewhat lazy person...but it always seems like i have to fight to be lazy, or at least to stay that way for awhile. have you ever had that feeling like, man, i'm so glad i get to do whatever i want today, but i don't know what i want to do....i'm in the mood for something, but what? yeah, we had one of those days. but i'm learning to love just being...just being with my wife. not worrying about doing something, but just being with her. i like it.

so after finishing indiana jones this morning and trying unsuccesfully to watch a scratched-up, rented home alone 2 dvd, carissa and i decided to take a walk. and just be together.

as we were walking along the sidewalks of crawfordsville on a fairly muggy and dreary day, i couldn't help but wonder if i'd be walking these sidewalks for years to come. or if the Lord would have me keep walking...keep walking on this journey of life. you ever wonder where the road's going to lead? how far you'll end up walking, and what kind of adventures you'll find?

if this were a movie...the music would start it's crescendo, the wind would whip around as i'd stand silhouetted against the sunset staring off into the unknown ready to step foot onto the road again more emboldened than ever. cheesy? yeah, but sometimes i like these moments of pause in the script when you just stand and wonder...what's next?

so a brief walk down the sidewalk to campbell's coffee shop with my wife turns into another mental quest to discover the unknown.

but for now...i'm so thankful to be enjoying a lazy day with my bride!

1 comment:

reaching said...

Long walk...loved it.

Good stuff Maynard!

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Check it out.