Wednesday, April 21, 2010

book #3: Thr3e


book #3 on my 100 books to read by 2020 list (not including The Lost City of Z which my wife seems to think belongs on the list) is entitled Thr3e by Ted Dekker.

now let me just say that i have to work hard NOT to rely on fiction for my reading diet.  there's not often as much benefit in my mind as there is in engaging with authors thoughts unaided by story.  story can be a powerful tool however, and some of my favorite books are fictional (Safely Home by Randy Alcorn and Narnia for example).  i try my best to keep my reading list loaded with non-fictional works from authors that have proven to stimulate Christian thought and provide theological insight.  with that said, i also enjoy a few novels and thrillers just to make sure reading stays fun for me, and there is always something to learn...

[let this serve as a potential spoiler alert]
dekker is an interesting author.  this is only the second book i've read by him (the first being Skin), but both have been page-turners: fascinating stories with truly unforeseeable plot-twists that delve into mystery with a touch of horror...oh and he tries to make them theological.  that's where i kind of balk at his writing.  it is "christian".  but i can't say i'm thrilled with the theology he propounds.  Thr3e enters into the classic arena between good and evil, but it seems that dekker is ready to suggest a trichotomy where the real YOU is caught between the good YOU and the evil YOU almost as if the first YOU is an innocent bystander that simply has to make a choice between the other 2 (reminiscent of the depiction of a man with shoulder angels).  in fact, no where in this story is there drawn the distinction between the sin nature and the NEW nature of Spirit-indwelled believers.  it can be assumed from this book that ALL men are caught within this trichotomy he portrays through the main character.  and then there is no mention of the power of Christ that enables believers (when they yield to the Holy Spirit) to have victory over sin and defeat our sin nature (through the put off/put principle according to Eph. 4:22-24) he misses an opportunity to remind believers of the true power that is available to us in conquering sin.  i will say that he does a good job in some ways of portraying our propensity to sin and reminding us that all sin is just that: sin.  there is no hierarchy of sin (although there may be more consequences for some sins than others).

ultimately i am left with a fascinating story that kept me on the edge of my seat, but it comes up short in truly edifying my heart and mind with the Truth from the Word of God.

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