Wednesday, January 27, 2010

just the motivation i needed!

feeling a little tired this morning and needed some motivation to get my mind in gear and keep my seat in my seat. working on the curriculum for our "systematic theology" course for B.I.L.T. (Bible institute for leadership training) @ our church. well, i got my motivation. don't know why i keep getting drawn to book reviews on The Shack, but this morning's was from dr. mohler @ southern. i pay attention to his stuff because he speaks with a bold, clear, Biblical voice on issues involving Christ's Church and our culture. and his review of this pulp-fiction/theology book was inspiring! seriously, take a couple minutes and read it:

he argues that the overwhelming response of so many Christians embracing The Shack may reveal that "theological discernment is now a lost art among American evangelicals." obviously there are theological questions that The Shack raises (and should raise the alarm in our minds and hearts as believers in Biblical theology). his conclusion: "our real task is to reacquaint evangelicals with the Bible's teachings on these very questions and to foster a doctrinal rearmament of Christian believers."

that's my task today, and gets me excited to develop this curriculum...and excited to pursue further education in theology studies. what an important endeavor. my generation must rise to the occasion and grab the torch from those who have gone before us holding fast to the truth of God's Word and boldly proclaiming Biblical theology! we must continue to teach Christ's Church that we are called to be discerning. and as dr. mohler so wisely put it, "discernment cannot survive without doctrine."

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