Tuesday, May 19, 2009

God is good.

so saturday night was our first trip to the ER with Jolie. anyone who knows my little red-head knows that she can't sit still for more than 3 seconds, so that afternoon we could tell something wasn't right. she was so lethargic and wanted to lay her head down and fall asleep. we were at a friends house that evening for dinner and just kept an eye on her, but by the time we got home we could tell she wasn't feeling any better and she was starting to feel very warm. temp said 102.5! woah!

she's never been sick before (other than a little runny nose a few months ago), so this was a shocker. we had the docter paged, who immediately told us to just take her to the ER because it had to be some kind of infection and it couldn't wait another day.

all of a sudden the emotions were running high and carissa and i had to fight back the panic.

while carissa was on the phone with her mom, i just sat there in the dim light of Jolie's room holding my baby girl. i felt helpless. her little body had some kind of infection that she couldn't fight off...and there was nothing i could do to help her. i remember asking the Lord to just let me take the pain and infection...i would gladly deal with it so my little girl didn't have to.

there was just so much that i can't express in words that i felt then.

i'm her dad. i'm her protector. and i couldn't do a thing...

but in that moment...this dad had a Father to turn to.

what comfort to know that i have a Heavenly Father who is in absolute control. He is a GOOD God. and He cares for me...and for my little girl. praise God! He is good...all the time! All the time...

so we were off to the doctor. but before we left, carissa held her and we prayed to our Heavenly Father who cares. He gives peace in the panic.

it ended up being an ear infection. and after the antibiotics she's on the mend and getting into everything again. thank You, Lord! and there will be more days of sickness ahead. we know. but this was a first for the hoenshell home...and it will always be another mile marker of the goodness of our God. we can trust in Him!

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

1 comment:

Bloggers-Wife said...

i love you! that was scary, but it is comforting to know that God can take care of her even when we can't...and now that's she's almost back to normal, i'm thinkin'...lethargy wasn't so bad!! jk <3