Friday, December 7, 2007

God forbid...

i'm not a big fan of their musical style, but there is a song that point of grace (or as my dad would say, "point of grease") sings that haunts my thoughts and has never left me. it floats back into my memory at times to remind me of Who i am dealing with...when i so flippantly handle my relationship with God Almighty.

God forbid that i find You so familiar that i think of You as less than who You are...

Our God is a God to be feared. reading the accounts given in the old testament make it pretty clear. but admittedly, my mind tends to run back to my giant "teddy-bear in the sky" image of the God that i worship.

God forbid...

now in a conversation like this, it would not be "evangelically correct" to end the discussion on this note (like you could ever end the discussion on God). it's best to run back to, but He's good and loving and kind and compassionate and forgiving... and am i ever thankful that He is!!! but when's the last time that i reflected on the wrath and holiness and awesomeness of God in a way that made me fall to my knees shaking?

God forbid that i would speak of You at all without a humble reverence in my heart...


Anonymous said...

In all actuality... with regard to how much God has revealed of Himself, we have surprisingly little to go on. The Scriptures aren't a thorough treatise on God. They aren't meant to be -- because He's incomprehensible... unable to be fully grasped by human experience or reason.

I like that about Him.

Thus, whatever thoughts we have of Him had better be in line with what "little" He HAS revealed. He certainly deserves that we might know Him as accurately as we can.

And for the record, it's "PINT of grease"...

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