Thursday, June 4, 2009

a few scribbles and overnight french toast

so i've just passed the quarter of a century mark in life. on monday i turned 25. i had an awesome day with my fam. we went to the free zoo in lafayette, took a kids' train ride, went to am. eagle for some new jeans (compliments of a gift card from my parents), and topped it off with a steak dinner at logan's with my girls!

but i must be getting older because i find myself appreciating the little things more than i used to.

as a kid, the zoo and the train would've been sweet! and in high school it would have made my day to get a pair of jeans that weren't from wal-mart. and then tuesday we took our youth group to king's island which used to be the trip i looked forward to all year!

so it's been a great week. but the best things this week were a couple small gifts that i would have brushed off as a kid.

monday morning carissa brought me overnight french toast in bed. she had thought about me the night before and knew what would bring a smile to my face in the morning. the french toast was amazing...but i love her.

then in all the presents there was a little card to "daddy" and on the inside were a few scribbles that jolie had managed to create (mostly by herself). no words. no pictures. but it was beautiful. i love her.

what a blessed man i am to have 2 wonderful girls in my life!

thank You, Lord!


Melody Peacock said...

So happy to see that you do truly know the real blessings God has given you.

Bloggers-Wife said...

i thank God for you now, and will teach jolie to be thankful for you (that will come're an amazing dad) in the are the world to your "girls"...we love you!