Friday, April 10, 2009

conference left-overs

yet again i've been convicted of my lack of faithfulness to the blogging realm. pastor terry appealed to me last weekend about the importance of journaling your experiences and thoughts @ a conference we held at our church.

we put on a conference for our college men called 'direction09'. it was designed to equip students to Biblically discern God's will for their lives. pastor terry spoke in the last main session on "following direction", and he used the example of the journal that he has kept for the past 10+ years. every time he has the opportunity to go back and read the journal entries he sees and remembers the amazing things that God has done. and it gave me a greater appreciation for the vital role that journaling plays in understanding how God's plan is unfolding in my life!

so here i am again.

my own little journaling book is a great place for my personal prayers to the Lord, but throwing out thoughts and experiences into the great expanse of the blogosphere may prove to be encouraging, insightful, and hopefully challenging to someone in need of a reminder of God's faithfulness in all circumstances. that no matter what we face we know God will be faithful to complete the work He has started in us (phil 1:6).

but God's will can be so tough to understand, can't it?!

i was challenged through james petty's book, "step by step", which deals with the theology of God's will. God has A plan for me. He does not have a plan B or plan C and so forth...because the first theological meaning of "the will of God" is just that: His sovereign plan (example found in Eph. 1:5 & James 4:15). and i can't mess that up!! He's not surprised by sin. He knows we will make mistakes. He's not caught off guard, like "woah! didn't see that one coming...guess i'll have to go with plan b..." NO! He has a sovereign plan that no one can mess up! which of course means that we CANNOT comprehend God's plan. because, for example, it includes both free will and sovereignty. good luck trying to understand that!

but it's encouraging because it means that i don't HAVE to understand His sovereign plan.

the other theological meaning to "the will of God", however, is what He has commanded. His commands! the easiest place to look for that is in 1 Thess. 4:1-3. His will/command is = my sanctification! becoming like Jesus!! and 2 Peter 1:3 says that He has given me EVERYTHING I need in order to live my life in a way that pleases Him! those commands are all over Scripture!

so in fact, every time i open up God's Word i'm seeing His His sovereign plan unfolds and as He gives me specific commands in order for me to obey and glorify him with my life!

some things to muse on. and probably some great conversation starters.

i needed this conference as much as our college guys!

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