Wednesday, April 16, 2008

dinner with murph

front porch living! there's nothing like it. our little house on lincoln street is incredible...categorically included in the "abundance" column of our list of blessings from the Lord. one of our favorite features is the cement slab front porch desperately in need of paint that's furnished with wicker and deck furniture. we love the freedom of eating dinner outside in the cool breeze of spring's arrival. the comfortable neighborhood is peacefully inviting, and the neighbor kids and their trampoline add just the right touch for normality. so it's impossible to ignore the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere, and it's a perfect excuse to grill out. that is...if i could keep my charcoal grill lit. last night we had to settle for the george forman. and although i'm fond of our fat-reducing-grilling-machine, it slightly spoils the concept. but not enough to keep us from enjoying the moment.

dinner on the front porch.

so we invited a neighbor. well...i guess, technically, our fat-reduced venison burgers did the inviting. it took all of three seconds for our neighbor murphey to smell the spread and come panting over to join us. he's a wonderful neighbor with big, sad, brown eyes who calmly saunters over from two houses away to make sure our unpacking is going well and politely waits to sample any sustenance we may be enjoying.

murphey is a rather old neighbor, although you wouldn't be able to tell from his golden hair. and i don't think i've ever seen him open his mouth except in food consumption. so he remains pleasant, patient and peaceful.

and last night we couldn't resist.

i'm sure there's something in etiquette against inviting oneself over for dinner, but murphey really did mind his manners. and it was over when he looked longingly into our eyes with a whimper. so we graciously dipped into the fruit bowl to offer him a taste of cantaloupe, grapes and bananas. but he took one sniff and ignored it.


it wasn't long before carissa convinced me that she couldn't possibly finish her entire burger by herself and was much better off sharing it anyway. so our friend murphey was welcomed onto our front porch to enjoy dinner with us.

and God taught me a lesson last night during dinner.

i couldn't help but think of murphey's ungrateful dismissal of what was offered to him. and i thought about all that God's provided for me. and to be honest...all i've been thinking about lately is what i can buy that will make our house and life more comfortable and enjoyable. that stupid charcoal grill needs replacing, the flower beds need some enhancement, the front porch light isn't exactly what we would have picked out, our picnic table is missing an umbrella, our tv is missing a cable hook-up (and currently, an MIA remote), the front pathway could use some new landscaped stones, and it would be awesome to have a hammock stretch between 2 of the trees outback...and...

then God reminds me that it's all abundance. i've been blessed with so much!! and there are some things that don't come with a price tag and will always remain invaluable. but these gifts and blessings aren't given for the purpose of inflaming an insatiable hunger for more. they are given to instill in me a deep-seated trust and reliance on Jehovah Jireh.

so i've been asking Him, Lord, teach me contentment.

all from a dinner with murph.


Bloggers-Wife said...

I'm designating a "dog dish" from one of the bowls we have so that poor puppy doesn't have to root through the grass for his fruit... oh wait, he doesn't eat the fruit...
hey, you've got to sit out here during the day more. Your next blog would then have something to do with all these cute little birds. One just landed not 2 feet from me. I might have to designate a little bird dish too...;)

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