Tuesday, August 14, 2007

a midnight revelation

i'm lying on my back in the darkness ignoring the urge to shift around for a comfortable position. my neck is gonna kill me in the morning! but that seems to be the least of my worries. my body is succumbing to sleep while my mind is still burning with questions about life. not the least of which is the question i've asked so many times before, "how in the world did we end up here?" (and here being crawfordsville, IN). i know it was a God-thing. it's just sometimes it gives me the mental chuckles.

that's when my wife rolled over and said those words. they were words you would almost expect to hear in a time of questioning, but they were deeply profound. and i was instantly struck with a satisfying realization of truth. the technical term here is "eureka!"

she said, "maybe you're not supposed to know how we ended up here. maybe that's just the way God's going to work with us. and He doesn't tell you what's next because you'd probably take matters into your own hands if you knew." then she reminded me that it seems like the times we have needed to make a decision and done something to resolve it, it never turns out the way we thought it was going to. in fact, it seems like we get to the end of our rope and then God just makes it happen. and we find ourselves looking back saying, "how did that happen?"

i guess i shouldn't be surprised anymore.

i gave my life to Christ. and i've asked Him to use me and place me where He wants me. so it's probably safe to assume that He will. and has.

but seriously...wow! God just works differently than me, which i realize is a good thing, but He just continues to amaze me. and i'm glad He's given me an incredible wife to help me keep perspective! (that was divine wisdom on His part...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ain't it the truth?!? I was made for you...literally.